Getting my creative juices flowing

What The Doodle - Handrail

Here is an illustration I created recently for the Creative Juices blog, for “What The Doodle“. The word that week was handrail, and I wanted to try something different for a change. I drew the image on paper, cut it out, taped it to the railing, then took a photo. (Click the image to see full size). Visit the blog and see what cool images the other artists came up with!

Creative JuicesIf you live in the Boston area, on April 29th I’ll be participating in an art show at FableVision, the children’s media company where I work. The show is called Out of the Box: A Visionary Art Show, and it’s connected with the Creative Juices blog. It will feature artwork by people working at FableVision. More information here.

A few more cool things to share – my work was recently featured on a children’s literature blog written by librarian-extrordinaire Mr. Shu. You can read the entire post here.

My book Sticky Burr also recieved a nice review on this website about books for children with autism.

And of course, I’ve been continuing my web comic about Sticky Burr – tune in to see the latest chapter! And I’m still writing my art/nature blog The Untended Garden, which is gearing up for spring. Watch for more posts in the coming months!